Unlicensed Proprietary Content, Food Products and Ingredients (Including Consumer Packaged Goods, Livestock, Plants, and Seeds), Airlines, Bail Bonds, Bankruptcy Lawyers, Bidding Fee or Penny Auctions, Age or Legally Restricted Products or Services, Sexually-Oriented or Pornographic Content (Including Adult Books or Video, Adult Telephone Conversations or Audio, Membership to Adult Websites or Content, Companion or Escort Services, Dating Services, Mail-Order Brides, Massage Parlors, Prostitution, or Content Featuring Minors in a Sexual Context), Cell Phones/Pagers, Centralized Reservation Services, Collection Agencies, Chain Letters, Check Cashing, Counterfeit Goods/Replicas, Currency Exchange (Including Physical, Digital, or Cryptographic Currency Exchange), Consulting Firms, Services (Including "Get Rich Quick" Schemes, Business Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Mortgage Consulting, Real Estate Purchases, Mortgage Reduction Services, Credit Repair and Protection), Billing Services (Including Accepting Payment for Services Rendered and Billing for Future Services), Credit Card and Identity Theft Protection, Cruise Lines, Flea Markets, Drug Paraphernalia, Essay Mills/Paper Mills, Extended Warranties, Fortune Tellers, Gambling (Including Legal Gambling Where the Cardholder Is Not Present When the Bet Is Made, Lotteries, Illegal Gambling, Internet Gambling, Sports Forecasting, and Odds Making), Illegal Products or Services, Marijuana Dispensaries and Related Businesses, Money Transmission, Money Service Businesses, Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Schemes, Wire Transfers or Money Orders, Pharmacies or Internet Pharmacies, Pseudo Pharmaceuticals (Including Anti-Aging Pills, Sexual Stimulants, Weight Loss Pills, Diet Pills), Quasi-Cash or Stores of Value, Security Brokerage, Door-to-Door Sales, Offering Substantial Rebates or Special Incentives Awarded to the Cardholder After the Original Purchase, Negative Response Marketing Techniques, Deceptive Marketing Practices, Reselling Private Label Rights Products, Shipping/Forwarding Brokers, Substances Designed to Mimic Illegal Drugs, Telemarketing, Timeshares, Tobacco Products, Weapons or Ammunition, Jewelry or Beauty Products.